Project Description

CapModule Giga

Energy Storage for the Industry

The CapModule Giga is the best way for high energy requirements, and the perfect temporary energy storage for the industry. It can support an entire electric network/infrastructure by charging batteries of forklift trucks or conveyor vehicles at lightning speed. The CapModule Giga can also elegantly bridge power outages. It can be charged quickly – for example if the photovoltaic system on the roof provides particularly high amounts of electricity in July. The CapModule Giga can of course be scaled up or scaled down – just as it suits you.

Technical data:

(Example module)
• 144 kWh energy capacity 
• 100% discharge depth

• > 90% energy efficiency 
• Voltage 50 – 1200 V DC 
• Peak power >1 MW 
• Peak charging power up to 500 kW 
• Load cycles 20.000 
• Temperature range -30 bis + 60 °C 
• Ground installation

• Size 1850 mm x 1200 m x 800 mm
• Weight 251,3 lbs / 2400 kg